Your body needs your attention. Most of the time, your organs will maintain and take care of themselves. However, every now and then they require interventions to maintain their health and efficiency. For example, you can proactively help your vascular system by taking supplements to strengthen capillaries after consulting with your general physician.
Capillaries form 99% of your vascular system, with the remaining 1% being made up by the large arteries and veins. Capillary health is vascular system help.
Everything from poor diet to lack of exercise can have adverse effects on your body in the long run, but even more so in the tiny blood vessels that are not visible to us. It is in the capillaries that exchange of oxygen and nutrients takes place, along with so many other extremely important bodily functions. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, but what can be done to help improve capillary health?
What are Capillaries?
Our body has many small blood vessels that connect arterioles to venules. They are big enough to accommodate only a single red blood cell at a time.
Weak, clogged capillaries require certain supplements for blood vessels that will help them work more efficiently.
The purpose of capillaries is to ensure proper exchange of nutrients and oxygen between the blood and tissues in your body. All tissues like the liver, muscles, and kidneys that are highly active throughout your life have an extremely tightly knit network of capillaries.
Other tissues that are not as metabolically active has fewer capillaries but are still an important party of the body.
Functions of Capillaries
As mentioned earlier, capillaries have two main functions:
- – Provide pathways for the blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and
- – Provide pathways for the blood to carry away waste.
- – Their other function is to be the connecting port between the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart (arterial system) and the ones that take blood back to the heart (venous system).
Capillaries are made of a thin layer of cells known as the endothelium, which is in turn surrounded by the basement membrane. Depending on the type of capillary, the composition of this thin layer of endothelium will change.
Despite their tiny structure, capillaries play an extremely vital role in maintaining proper health conditions. Apart from forging a healthy lifestyle built around exercise and a good diet and avoiding smoking and drinking, it is also important to include supplements to strengthen capillaries in your routine. Don’t wait until it’s too late – give your vascular system the boost it needs today!